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Some from the early years.
'Trains through the west.......
Acrylic and oil on canvas. 120x180 cm.
'Minute of decay.'
Oil, acrylic and emulsion on canvas. 60x40 cm.
Irregular imprint.
Oil, acrylic and emulsion on canvas. 50x40 cm.
Stuck pig in your transit.
Oil and acrylic on canvas. 110x80 cm.
Indigo Eden.
Oil and emulsion on canvas. 70x60 cm.
Monkey in a cage.
Oil and acrylic on canvas. 60x40 cm.
Creamed reaction number 5.
Oil and Acrylic on canvas. 200x100 cm.
'Internal forever.'
Acrylic on canvas. 200x100 cm
Butterfly Effect.
Oil, Acrylic and Emulsion on canvas. 160/200 cm.
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